Associating a PWM Profile with a Signal

This section explains how to add a PWM profile to a signal to be able to perform PWM analysis.

To Associate a PWM Profile with a Signal:

  1. Open a PWM profile signal (frequency vs time).
  2. Open a signal having a relationship with this PWM profile signal.
    Note: Usually, it is a recording that was measured synchronously with the tachometric signal.
  3. Click to Tools > Associate a PWM profile....

    The Associate PWM Profile window is displayed.

  4. From the window, select an audio Signal.
  5. Select a PWM profile.
  6. Enter a PWM constant frequency Fc in Hertz.
    Note: The PWM profile has to be positive.
  7. Click OK.
The PWM profile is associated with a signal (see Signal Profiles).
Note: You can now:
  • display the PWM profile,
  • save the signal with the associated PWM profile as an SAS wav file.
Tip: After associating a PWM profile with a signal, you can change its PWM constant frequency (Fc) in Time-Frequency domain and then select several PWM harmonics around this constant frequency to compare, analyze or remove these PWM harmonics:
  1. Calculate the Time-frequency representation of the PWM signal.
  2. Click Tools > Edit PWM constant frequency.
  3. Enter a PWM constant frequency in Hertz and click OK.
  4. In the toolbar, choose PWM harmonics selection by hand or PWM harmonics selection by number and select PWM harmonics in the Time-Frequency representation.