Rating Presets

This procedure shows how to prepare and conduct a rating session.

  1. Go to the Presets tab.
    Tip: If you want to hide the preset names in the rating interface, tick Hide Preset names before opening the fast rating interface.
  2. Click New ratings file if you want to create a new file to store ratings, or click Append to ratings file if you want to reuse an existing ratings file and append new ratings to it, so that they can be analyzed together.
  3. Name the new ratings file or select one which already exists.
  4. Have the first rater listen to each preset and rate it.

  5. Once all the presets are rated, click Validate.
    Each time ratings are validated, new ratings are appended to the file selected in step 3.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with each new rater.