Known Issues

The following entries describe non-operational behavior or errors known at the time of this release. If available, workarounds for these items are included in the respective descriptions. Inclusion in this document does not imply the issues and limitations are applicable to future releases.

When loading a preset file from a previous version into ASDforEV 2023 R2, several errors (Error code: 103) related to missing wave files might be displayed (729225).

This will happen if the following conditions are met:
  • The preset file was saved in version 2022 R1 or earlier.
  • The saved preset included wave files from either of the default presets loaded at software startup (this might be the case if the saved preset originated from one of the default presets, and some wave files were not cleared or replaced).
This results in the application being unable to locate the wave files from the default presets, although any wave file other than the defaults will be correctly loaded.

If you are not interested in the missing files, simply ignore the error messages and save the preset or project under a new name. Upon loading this new preset or project, the error messages will not be displayed.

If you wish to restore the missing files, follow these steps:
  • Start ASDforEV with the default project.
  • Save the project to a specific location.
  • Load your preset (errors should be displayed).
  • Note the name of each missing wave file (each displayed in a separate error dialog).
  • Search for these files in the DATA subfolder of the previously-saved project.
  • Load these files one-by-one in the sound functions where you want to use them.
  • Save the new project or preset.

All other issues from previous releases have been resolved.