VMP Text File Format Description

The following page provides a description of the text file format of an Ansys Volume map. Volume map (*.vmp) files can imported from / exported to *.txt files.




Ansys Volume Map



Magic number


Magic number



0: radiometric, 1: photometric


Magic number

0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

Ox Oy Oz

Position of the volume center in the global coordinate system of the mock-up

1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

Ix Iy Iz

Position of the volume center in the global coordinate system of the mock-up

0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000

Jx Jy Jz

Y direction of the volume in the global coordinate system of the mock-up

100.0000000000 50.0000000000 130.0000000000

Xwidth Ywidth Zwidth

Size of the volume along X, Y, Z direction

3 5 2

Xsamp Ysamp Zsamp

Sampling of the volume along X, Y, Z direction

Blank line

0 1 2

Ltype Lnb Lp

  • Ltype: Type of layer separation

    0 - None

    1 - by source

    2 - by face

  • Lnb: Number of layers
  • Lp: Power for each layer

    (expressed in the same unit as defined in line 2)

    Note: In case of separation by face, the power is not used and each layer gets a value of 1.

Blank line

All Sources / S.1:5859 / |Solid:38

Layer name

  • No separation : All Sources
  • Separation by source: Source name (S.1:5859 in the example)
  • Separation by face: Name of faces or bodies selected (|Solid:38 in the example)
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

D(0,0,0) D(1,0,0) ... D(Xsamp -1,0,0) D(Xsamp,0,0)

D(i,jk): energy density at pixel i (x direction), j (y direction), k (z direction)

0.0000000000 10.8948411942 0.0000000000

D(0,1,0) D(1,1,0) ... D(Xsamp -1,1,0) D(Xsamp,1,0)

Block describing one Z value "Z0"

For one block:

  • Values in a row parse data along X direction
  • Values in a column parse data along Y direction

All values of the block correspond to one Z value

0.0000000000 6.3086743355 0.0000000000


100.0000000000 0.7311126590 130.0000000000

D(0,Ysamp - 1,0) D(1,Ysamp - 1,0) ... D(Xsamp -1,Ysamp - 1,0) D(Xsamp,Ysamp - 1,0)

0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

D(0,Ysamp,0) D(1,Ysamp,0) ... D(Xsamp - 1,Ysamp,0) D(Xsamp,Ysamp,0)

Blank line separating each data block

0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

D(0,0,1) D(1,0,1) ... D(Xsamp -1,0,1) D(Xsamp,0,1)

Block describing one Z value "Z1"

0.0000000000 10.8948411942 0.0000000000

D(0,1,1) D(1,1,1) ... D(Xsamp - 1,1,1) D(Xsamp,1,1)

0.0000000000 6.3086743355 0.0000000000


100.0000000000 0.7311126590 130.0000000000

D(0,Ysamp - 1,1) D(1,Ysamp - 1,1) ... D(Xsamp -1,Ysamp - 1,1) D(Xsamp,Ysamp - 1,1)

0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

D(0,Ysamp,1) D(1,Ysamp,1) ... D(Xsamp - 1,Ysamp,1) D(Xsamp,Ysamp,1)

A blank line is systematically used in between two layers (the new layer begins with the layer name)