Light Behavior Models

For transmission and reflection, light behavior is described with a combination of three models.

Note: With these models you can create precise surface taking into account that you can use them to define light's behavior with regards to wavelength and polarization.

Specular model

Specular reflection on a surface

Rays propagate following the Snell - Descartes law. The proportion of transmitted and reflected rays is given by the Fresnel laws (Optical polished and Scattering models).

Lambertian model

Lambertian reflection and transmission on a surface.

The probability to be reflected in a given direction is the same for all the direction of the space.

Gaussian model

Reflection: Gaussian (10%) and Lambertian (90%).

The light has a Gaussian probability to be reflected with a particular angle around the main direction defined by Snell - Descartes laws.