Submitting Simulation Job from Speos Core

In this part you submit a simulation to the cluster.

  1. After configuring the cluster, click Speos HPC simulation .

  2. In the Simulation Configuration section, specify the following parameters:

    • Number of computing nodes

      Number of computing nodes corresponds to the number of nodes of the cluster you want to use to run the simulation.

      The Number of computing nodes cannot be higher than the Maximum number of computing nodes.

    • Number of rays

      The displayed number of rays is retrieved from the speos data set in Speos. However, you can modify the number of rays.

    • Simulation time

      Simulation time corresponds to the maximum time the simulation can run. It cannot be higher than the "Maximum scheduler wall clock - 1 hour".

    • Intermediate save frequency (MC only)

      Intermediate save frequency (MC only) corresponds to the frequency of the intermediate results save of the simulation.

    • Scheduler wall clock

      Specify a time higher than the Simulation time. The cluster needs some time to load the speos file, save the results and finish a pass (in case of an Inverse simulation).

      Furthermore, according to your scheduler, the scheduler wall can be taken into account to determine the running order of the simulation.

    • Disable ray files and lpf / lp3 output

      Generating these files can take time. It is useful to disable them for a faster simulation generation if you do not need them.

    • Download results after completion

      When a simulation job is in "Finished" status (in the window My Speos HPC simulations), the job results are automatically downloaded. Then, the status is "done" when the download is over.

      Note: For the download to work, you need to keep Speos Core and the window My speos HPC simulations opened, or you must close both Speos Core and My Speos HPC simulations.
  3. Click Check simulation or Run simulationaccording to your needs.