Interacting with a Simulation Job

The SPEOSHPC simulation management informs you about the status and allows you to interact with the simulation job.

The following commands are available when you select a simulation (some commands may disappear depending on the simulation status):

  • Refresh: updates the "Finished on", "Status" and "Progress" cells.

  • Merge & download results: merges and saves the intermediate results of the simulation (for Monte Carlo simulation only) and download the merged results files from the cluster to the user computer (only Download if the simulation status is Finished or Done).

  • Download logs & Scripts: downloads logs and scripts folders, useful to find job failures. It is to note these folders are automatically downloaded in case of remove or Download actions.

  • Next sensor: stops and saves results for the current sensor and runs the simulation for the next sensor (for Inverse simulation only).

  • Stop now: stops the simulation and saves results.

  • Stop after current pass: stops the simulation and saves results after the current pass (for Inverse simulation only).

  • Cancel: stops the simulation without saving result.

  • Remove: if Status=done, remove the simulation from the list and delete all simulation files and results on the cluster.

Note: Double-click a simulation to open a Windows Explorer on the speos folder of this simulation on the user computer.
Note: In case of error, logs are available in the Logs sub-folder of the local .speos folder and the last error is displayed in the "Progress" cell.