Light Panel Parameters

The following page presents the different parameters to correctly use the Light Panel.

With the Light Panel, you can fine tune the source levels in post process while the simulation is running. The Light Panel provides you with the list of all sources included in the simulations.

Example of use cases:
  • Manually adjust light balance to fine tune homogeneity while simulation progresses
  • Tune balance between colored LEDs to reach white
  • Switch lighting conditions to daytime and nighttime while Human Vision is activated
  • Prepare and switch configurations for different light setups (ie. Rear Light, Stop Light, Turn Indicator...).

Basic Capabilities

With the Light Panel you can:
  • Modify the contribution of a source by changing the Ratio or the Power thanks to the slider or the field value.
  • click to show the source, and click to hide the source.
  • Rename the sources.

Light Controller Configuration

Automatic update

Automatic update activated allows you to compute the data in real time. Modifications are applied automatically when performing the change.

Automatic update deactivated allows you to compute manually the modifications you made through the Light Panel. The modification applies only when clicking Update .


The Unit parameter allows you to display the source value in percentage of its power (Ratio (%)) or directly with its real Power value.

The default displayed value is 100%.

Layer Configuration

The Light Panel allows you to create different configurations to define different light setups so that you can switch from one to the other.

Each configuration is independent from each other, and data modifications are only applied into the current selected configuration

  1. To add a configuration click Add new configuration layer .
  2. In the Config. Name field, name the newly created configuration.
  3. Click to expand the Configuration list and select the configuration to display.