Extensions and Units

This page lists the extensions and units used in Speos.


A system includes different kinds of specific files (spectrum, ray file, material, etc.).

Speos Input Files

SPEOS input files contain all input data as surfaces, materials and spectra, created by the user or downloaded from the Ansys Optical Library specific to the project.

Features SPEOS Input Files Extensions
Optical Properties Ambient Material File .material
Simple Scattering File .simplescattering
Surface Optical Properties Files















Photon Map File .pm
Sources Spectrum File / Transmittance File .spectrum
Intensity Files






Image Files






Ray Files



Temperature Field File .OPTTemperatureField
Surface Optical Properties Files










.retroreflecting .anisotropic

.polarizer .anisotropicbsdf


Photon Map File .pm
Components 3D Texture Mapping .OPT3DMapping
Speos Light Box .SPEOSLightBox
Sensors Text File .txt
Template File .xmp
Distortion File .OPTDistortion File

Speos Output Files

SPEOS output files are automatically created by the software after the simulation is run. They contain result files from simulations.

Feature SPEOS Output Files Extensions
Result Files XMP File .xmp
XM3 File .xm3
Volume Map File .vmp
XMP File (Spectral Irradiance Map) .Irradiance.xmp
Light Path Finder Files



Ray Files



Intensity Files



Projected Grid File .OPTProjectedGrid
Speos360 File .speos360
Photon Map File .pm
Speos Light Box .SPEOSLightBox
Simulation Reports HTML File .html

Vocabulary for Photometry and Radiometry Units

Language Photometry Radiometry
Lx Cd L (Cd/m²) E (W/m²) I (W/sr) L (W/(sr*m²)
English Illuminance Luminous Intensity Luminance Irradiance Radiant Intensity Radiance
French Eclairement Intensité Luminance Eclairement Intensité Luminance
German Beleuchtungsstärke Lichtstärke Leuchtdichte Bestrahlung Strahlstärke Strahldichte
Italian Illuminamento Intensità Luminanza Illuminamento Intensità Luminanza
Japanese 照度 光度 輝度 放射照度 放射光度 放射輝度
Chinese 照度 强度 亮度 辐射照度 辐射强度 辐射亮度