Creating a Sharp Cutoff Beam in Standard Mode

This procedure shows how to create a Sharp Cutoff beam in Standard mode.

Note: You can repeat the following task for each created group. For more details about the beam parameters, see Standard Sharp Cutoff Beam Parameters

To create a Sharp Cutoff beam:

Prerequisites: Make sure to use an extended source.
  1. From the Groups panel, click Add to add as many groups as needed.
  2. Select a Group and from the Type drop-down list, select Sharp Cutoff.
  3. Make sure the Advanced mode is set to False.
  4. In Orientation, select Concave or Convex to determine the behavior of the rays on the target.
  5. Define the cutoff line points coordinates:
    • In X center, define the middle point's position of the specification line along X target axis.
    • In Y center, define the position of the specification line along Y target axis.
  6. Define the cut-off line's amplitude:
    • In Spread start, define the length between the X center of the specification line and its left extremity.
    • In Spread end, define the length between the middle point of the specification line and its right extremity.
  7. In Tilt, define the cut-off line's orientation by specifying the degree angle between X Target axis and the specification line.
  8. Define the light distribution under the cut-off line:
    • In Y size, define the beam spread along Y Target axis.
    • In Y spread, specify the ratio (in %) driving the beam spread along Y Target axis.

      Note: When the ratio equals 100%, the light distribution inside the specification line tends to be uniform. The less the ratio is, the more concentrated the beam light will be under the specification line.