Adjusting Interactive Simulation Settings

This page describes the simulation settings that you can adjust to customize your interactive simulation.

Right-click the interactive simulation and click Options to open the advanced settings.

Geometry's Settings

Optical Properties

Texture application can have an impact on the simulation results. If texture have been applied in the scene, activate Texture and/or Normal Map if needed.

The Texture normalization determines the rendering of the texture.

  • With None, the simulation results uses both the image texture and the texture mapping optical properties

  • Color from Texture means that the simulation result uses the color and the color lightness of the image texture.

  • Color from BSDF means that the simulation result uses the BSDF information of the texture mapping optical properties.

    Note: For more information on texture rendering, see Texture Normalization .


The meshing helps you subdivide your model into simpler blocks. By breaking an object down into smaller and simpler pieces such as triangular shapes, you can concentrate more computing power on them, and therefore improve the quality of your results. During the simulation, it will no longer be one single object that interprets the incoming rays but a multitude of small objects.

For more information on the meshing, refer to the Meshing chapter.

To define the Simulation Meshing, refer to Defining the Simulation Meshing.



Ray tracer precision:

The Ray tracer precision is set as Automatic by default.

  • The Single Precision mode allows you to use a fast ray tracing technique that provides a standard level of precision.
  • The Double Precision mode uses Smart Engine, a ray tracing technique that provides a high level of precision.

    Smart Engine is a pre-calculation method supposed to improve the definition of the rays' impact area in the scene.

    The scene (the simulation environment comprising the geometries) is subdivided into blocks to help the rays find/locate the elements they need to interact with.

    The Smart Engine value defines a balance between the speed and the memory. The higher the value, the more subdivided the scene becomes.

  • The Automatic mode lets Speos choose what ray tracing technique to use after a quick analysis of your system. The ray tracing technique is defined according to the bounding box diagonal size.

    • If the bounding box diagonal size is smaller than 10 meters, the Single Precision mode is selected.
    • If the bounding box diagonal size is bigger than 10 meters, the Double Precision mode is selected.
    Note: When choosing the Automatic mode, the ray tracing method chosen by Speos is available in the simulation HTML report.


  • The Geometrical distance tolerance defines the maximum distance to consider two faces as tangent.

  • The Maximum number of surface interactions allows you to define a value to determine the maximum number of ray impacts during propagation. When a ray has interacted N times with the geometry, the propagation of the ray stops. This option can be useful to stop the propagation of rays in specific optical systems (in an integrated sphere in which a ray is never stopped for example).

  • The Weight option allows you to activate the consideration of the ray's energy. Each time the rays interacts with a geometry, it loses some energy (weight).

    • The Minimum energy percentage value defines the minimum energy ratio to continue to propagate a ray with weight. It helps the solver to better converge according to the simulated lighting system.

      Note: For more details, see Setting the Weight Properties.

Interactive Simulation


  • Draw rays

    Allows you to display the rays trajectories in the 3D view. This option is activated by default when creating an interactive simulation.

    Note: Deactivate this option when working with Light Expert results to prevent LXP rays and simulation rays from overlapping. For changes to be taken into account, you need to recompute the simulation.
  • Draw impacts

    Allows you to display the rays impacts in the 3D view.

    Note: You can display the rays impact or trajectories alone or together.


Impact report: Allows you to integrate details like number of impacts, position and surface state to the HTML simulation report.