Linking Static Structural Solution to Speos Geometry

You can create a connection between the Solution cell of a Static Structural system and the Geometry cell of a Speos system. When the link is created, *.scdoc and *.obj files or *.pmdb and *.obj files containing geometry, mesh, and deformed mesh information are transferred. From this information, warping is applied to the geometry.

The goal is to provide a solution to run multiple simulations without having to define Speos elements at every iteration on the mechanical output used in a Speos simulation. Thus, when you want to run multiple simulations, thanks to the Static Structural connection, Speos elements definition will be automatically updated with the deformed objects based on imported data from Mechanical.

In this workflow, the step B6 of Static Structural system (B) performs a deformation simulation on the given geometry (Step 3). The simulation output is a *.zip file containing a *.obj file with the deformed mesh and the original SpaceClaim document.

The link between the Static Structural system (B) and the Speos system (C) links the step B6 to the step C2 and allows the transfer of the *.zip file. Once SpaceClaim receives the *.zip file, it opens it as a document. Then, when performing a refresh or an edit of the Speos Task, Workbench applies the deformed mesh and maps the new geometry to the Speos elements.

To create the link:

  1. To add a Static Structural system, drag the system from the Toolbox to the Project Schematic or double-click the system in the Toolbox.
  2. Right-click the Solution cell and select Transfer Data to New > SPEOS.
    Note: When defining the project, make sure to create named selections on nominal project (Block A). These named selections will be replaced by deformed geometries in the block (Block C) after mechanical block.
    Note: Only Bodies can be deformed. Surfaces are not supported.
  3. In the Properties of the Simulation Task, you can modify the Tolerance Value.

    The Tolerance Value corresponds to the warp tolerance. The default value is 1e-6 meter.

The system is added and the connection is made.