Specifying parameter values for a material model

If you are importing a parameter-dependent material model, or assigning one (in HyperMesh), you may be given the option to specify values for the parameters required by the model. The parameter values you can specify depend on the data that is available for your selected material.

  • This feature may not be available on your system. For example, if your organization doesn't use parameter-dependent data, or if parameter value requirements are handled internally by your model definitions, then you won't need to specify parameter values in MI Materials Gateway.
  • The same parameter may be required for two or more attributes within the model. In that case, the parameter value you specify will be used for all of those attributes.

If you want to skip this step and use the default parameter values wherever possible, you can specify this as a user preference on the Settings > Preferences page. See Viewing and updating your settings for more information. (Note that if any attribute data is missing at the default parameter values, you will still be prompted to review the parameter values and missing data.)

When a material model has been imported using parameter values (either using default values, or values that you have specified), the values used to generate the imported data are shown in the Parameters column in the Imported material cards panel. See Managing imported material cards.

You can import the same material / model type combination again using different parameter values, if required.

To specify values for parameters:
  1. For each parameter, choose a parameter value, click the box and select the value you want from the list.

    The list of values you can choose from includes all parameter values for which at least some attribute data exists, for at least one of your selected materials.

    If the parameter has a Use interpolated value check box immediately below it, this means that your database supports interpolation for that parameter and the attribute (or attributes) that it applies to. You can specify any value for the parameter within a given range (determined by the minimum and maximum parameter values for which there is attribute data), and the corresponding value of the attribute will be calculated by interpolation.

    1. To specify an interpolated value for a parameter, select Use interpolated value, and then click in the box and enter the value you want.
  2. Verify the parameter values and the list of materials to assign or import.

    Depending on the parameter values you select, there may be some attribute data missing for one or more of your materials. Any issues with missing data are shown in the Review materials for import panel in the lower half of the MI Materials Gateway window, immediately below the Specify parameters panel. When you change the parameter values, the lower panel is updated to reflect this.

    • To see more details for a material that has missing data, click the arrow at the left of the material name.

    • If you prefer not to import a material model with missing data, you can remove the material from your selection. Use the check boxes on the far left to change the materials that are selected for import.
  3. When you are happy with the parameter values and the list of materials for import, click Import.

If your Granta MI database is version-controlled, then when you update a parameter-dependent material model that has been imported to your CAE application, the previous parameter values will be used again wherever possible.

If any of the previous parameter values cannot be found (for example, if you are updating a model that was originally imported using an earlier version of MI Materials Gateway, or if the model definition has been updated to require additional parameter values), then you will be prompted to specify the missing parameter values.