Importing simulation models

If your Granta MI system has been configured to store specialized data for simulation as separate simulation records linked to a base material, then you can view the simulation records that are available for a material, and import a simulation model to Ansys Workbench.

Note: A simulation model is a material model based on a simulation record. For more information, see Simulation records and models.

You can import the simulation model as a new material card, or replace the data on an existing material card (for example, to update a CAD assignment or a previously-imported CAE material model).

  1. Optional: To update an existing material card, ensure that it is selected in the Imported material cards list.
  2. Find the base material that you want to model.
    You can find a material in the database, or use any material from the Material column of the Imported material cards list.
  3. Right-click the material and select View related > Simulation Records.
  4. Choose the simulation record you want to use, and do one of the following:
    To import as a new card Double-click the simulation record.
    To update an existing material card Right-click the simulation record and select Replace data on selected card.
  5. Optional: If there is more than one model available, you will see a list of Simulation models for <name of simulation record>. Double-click the model you want to use.
  6. Optional: If you are importing a parameter-dependent model, you may be prompted to specify parameters.

The properties and data specified in the simulation model definition are written to the material card, with a traceable reference to both the simulation record and the model definition in the Granta MI database.

If you are updating an existing material card, this becomes the active data on the card (replacing any previous CAD material, CAE material model, or simulation model).
Note: If the material card previously contained a CAD assignment or CAE material model, a reference to the previous material (and model type and parameter values, where applicable) is retained on the card. This information is shown in gray, to distinguish it from the currently active simulation model data.