Browsing Granta MI data

To find materials in your Granta MI databases, you can browse to explore families or categories of materials. In Gateways for Creo, NX, Teamcenter, and Windchill, if your system supports the assignment of processes, surface treatments, or colors, then you can also browse for these in the same way.

The Browse page shows a tree view of the data.

Note: If profiles are in use on your Granta MI system, the Browse tree is filtered by your current profile, which you can change using on the left of the Search bar. For more information, see Choose your profile.

Within each database , individual records are grouped into folders and tables - for example, representing families or categories of related materials.

  • The symbol indicates a material record that has no value for Density in the database. You can use materials with no Density value if your system is configured to support it. For more details, see your Granta data administrator.
  • In some databases, generic records may used to summarize the properties of a group of similar materials. A generic record is shown in the tree structure as a 'folder with data', that contains the materials it represents. It has its own material property values, which represent the maximum and minimum values for the materials in the group, and can be assigned and used in the same way as any material.
  • To show or hide the contents of a database, record table, or folder within the tree, click or next to its name.
  • To filter the data on show, enter a search term in the Filter box at the top of the Browse tree. Click to clear the filter.
  • To expand the tree to show all records, click on the right of the filter box. To collapse the tree to show only the top-level structures (databases, tables, or folders), click .
  • To use a material, right-click the material, and then select an action.
    Tip: Double-clicking a material will either import it as a CAE material model or assign it to your current selection in the Assignments panel, depending on your host application.