Assigning a material to a part

The quickest way to make an assignment to a part is by right-clicking in the Creo part model.

You can also assign materials when you are viewing the full assembly.

Note: This topic is relevant if Creo is configured to assign to parts. To assign materials to bodies, see Assigning a material to a body.
  1. Right-click a selection of parts or bodies in Creo, and choose MI Materials Gateway.
    The selected parts are shown in the lower half of the Gateway window (the assignments panel).
  2. If your selection includes more than one part, make sure that the part you want to assign to is selected in the assignments panel. You can select more than one part to assign to.
  3. In the upper half of the Gateway window, find a material to assign.
  4. Double-click the material to assign it.
    Tip: If alternate assignments are enabled, you can right-click and select Assign as new alternate to add it to the material library instead. See Assigning alternate materials.
  5. To make another assignment, change your part selection in NX and then click Refresh .
    Tip: For faster switching between your CAD model and the Assignments panel, go to Settings > Preferences and select Always on top.