When electromagnetic body forces are transferred to a structural environment, an Imported Body Force Density object can be inserted to represent the transfer. For steps to transfer data, see the Applying Imported Boundary Conditions section.
For a particular load step, an active Imported Body Force Density load will overwrite other Imported Body Force Density loads that exist higher (previously added) in the tree, on common geometry selections. For additional rules when multiple load objects of the same type exist on common geometry selections, see Activating and Deactivating Loads.
For large-deflection analyses, the application applies this load to the initial size of the element, not the current size.
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Comparing Imported Body Force Density Total Forces (Source and Target)
When your imported body force density load, imported from External Data, is scoped to solid bodies/elements and each source element includes volume data, a table comparing the total force components and magnitudes for both the source and target mesh is displayed in the Comment pane of the Imported Load Transfer Summary object, as shown below.

To display this information, you must first specify Data Type column in the External Data Setup page as well as a unit system and as the Data Identifier for the desired volume data. The example below illustrates these settings.
in the

The application calculates each component of the total force of the source file by summing force components multiplied by the volume of each source data row.
This table does not display if you specify an Analytical Transformation to a coordinate in the upstream External Data system.
unit in the External Data system is an Imperial (UK) Gallon and equals 4.5461e-3 cubic meter.
- Static and Transient Structural Analyses
The application does not support sending the Imported Body Force Density load to the solver as a table. For this imported load, the Tabular Loading property controls the creation of the data table. The values are then applied from the data table at each load step. However, the KBC command value (Key) specified for the analysis controls the ramping or stepping within a load step. Therefore, if the analysis time specified by the Imported Load definition matches the load step end time, then there is no difference in solution between the and the option (of Tabular Loading property) for the load step.
- Harmonic Response Mode Superposition (MSUP) Analyses
For a Harmonic Response MSUP analyses, the Element Based Volumetric Harmonic Force load is not supported:
As tabular data (frequency varying).
For analyses that include Multiple RPMs.