18.2. Understanding Resource Prediction for Solution

The Resource Prediction option (Home Tab/Solve Group) displays a window that enables you to select an analysis and predict the computing resources needed to perform a solution for the environment. The application displays a prediction for time, memory, and disk space requirements. The prediction is displayed in green at the top of the page. When initiated, the progress of the calculation is displayed in the left corner of the Status Bar. The progress bar includes a stop button to end the process.

  • This feature is only supported for the Structures AI+ license.

  • A successful prediction does not guarantee a successful solution.

  • This feature presents estimates based on simulations with similar characteristics and should only be used as a reference. Your actual simulation may not solve as suggested.

  • The prediction applies to the solution using distributed-memory parallel (DMP) processing and the data reported will not account for Hybrid Parallel usage.

  • You can also display resource prediction information from the Solution Information object using the Resource Prediction option of the Solution Output property when performing a solve or writing an input file.

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Requirements and Limitations

Review the following requirements and limitations:

  • The mesh must be generated.

  • Supports Static Structural, Modal (stand-alone), and Harmonic Response (stand-alone) systems only.

  • The resources predicted are the computational resources needed to perform one step.

  • This feature does not process Commands (APDL) object entries.

  • This feature is not supported on the Linux platform.

Static Structural Analysis Prediction

By default, a prediction is automatically performed for both the Direct and Iterative solver settings. The prediction display, as illustrated below, includes red text in parenthesis beside the option specified in the Solver Type property. If the Solver Type property is set to Program Controlled, then the red text indicates the option selected by the application.

This analysis type supports the presence of nonlinearities when performing resource prediction. Nonlinearities conditions can be a result of the Large Deflection property being set to On, contact conditions that have the Type property set to anything other than Bonded or No Separation, connections such as nonlinear joints or springs, the contact-based Small Sliding property set to Off, as well as the result of nonlinear material properties, such as hyperelasticity and plasticity. The resource prediction algorithm considers all of these nonlinear conditions when generating and presenting predicted values.

  • Resource prediction using the iterative solver setting assumes convergence and it does not consider any impact if the solver setting switches from the iterative solver to the direct solver.

  • Static Structural prediction is only supported when the Quasi-Static Solution property (Analysis Settings > Solver Controls) is set to Off (default).

Note:  Prediction performance for Static Structural analyses can be affected during a nonlinear analysis if the analysis is not converging properly.

Time Chart Static Structural Analysis

Modal (Stand-Alone Only) Analysis Prediction

A stand-alone Modal analysis supports resource prediction using the Direct setting for the Solver Type property only, either setting the option manually or through the use of the Program Controlled option.

Time Chart for Modal Analysis

Harmonic Response (Stand-Alone Only) Analysis Prediction

The application supports resource prediction for a stand-alone Harmonic Response analysis using either the Full, Variational Technology, or the Program Controlled setting of the Solution Method property. In addition to selecting the desired Harmonic Response analysis from Analysis Environment drop-down menu, you need to specify a domain decomposition method (DDOPTION). Options include Frequency Based Decomposition and Mesh Based Decomposition.

Note:  For this analysis type, resource prediction assumes the use of the Direct option for the Solver Type property.

Time Chart for Harmonic Response Analysis

Resource Prediction using Solution Output

When you activate the required preference, the Solution Output property of the Solution Information object provides a Resource Prediction option. When you write an input file or perform a solution, use this option to display resource predicted values in the worksheet. From the Options dialog, activate the Resource Prediction During Solve preference in the Analysis Settings and Solution group. The preference is available under the Resource Prediction (Static Structural, Modal and Harmonic Response) category. Options include No (default) and Yes.

This option displays the following information:

  • Predicted computational resources for the core count you specify, up to 32 cores.

  • Time, memory, and disk space charts that display how resources vary per core count.

  • As applicable, suggestions as per predicted values.

For Harmonic Response analyses when you set the Solution Method property to Program Controlled, the application displays the predicted data for the Full and the Variational Technology methods. Once the solution is complete, the red text in the Resource Prediction worksheet displays "Solution Method chosen by the Mechanical."

Note:  Resource prediction from the Solution Information object only supports:

  • Static Structural analyses when the Quasi-Static Solution property (Analysis Settings > Solver Controls) is set to Off (default).

  • Harmonic Response analyses when Solution Method property is set to either Program Controlled, Full or Variational Technology. Within the Harmonic Response analysis worksheet, tabs are available to showcase data pertaining to domain decomposition methods.

  • Modal analyses for the Direct Solver setting of the Solver Type property including when the Program Controlled setting selects Direct Solver.

  • See the Solver Controls and Options (for Harmonic Response analyses) sections for more information about the above properties.