26.1.40. The License Manager Server Is Down

Unless a connection is reestablished, the Mechanical application will exit in nn minutes.


This message occurs in a one-server license environment if your license manager has quit running. In a three-license server environment, the Ansys license manager must be running on at least two of the three license server machines at all times. If two of the license server machines go down, or two of the machines are not running the license manager, this error message will appear in the program output or in a message box. The program will continue to run for nn minutes to allow the license manager to be restarted or to be started on a second machine if using redundant servers. When the message first displays, nn = 60. The message then reappears every five minutes with nn displaying the elapsed time at each 5 minute increment (55, 50, 45, etc.) until the connection is established.


When this error message appears, start the license manager on the other machines designated as license servers. If you get this message and determine that the license manager is still running, and you are running in a one-server environment, then the IP address of the license server machine was changed while the application was running (this is usually caused by connecting to or disconnecting from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that dynamically allocates IP addresses). To correct this situation, you must return the IP address to the same address that the license server had when the application was started. If the IP address changes after you start the application (either because you connected to or disconnected from your ISP), you can correct the error by restarting the application. You should not need to restart the license manager.

You can avoid this problem by remaining connected to or disconnected from the ISP the entire time you are running the application.