You can use the RSM Utilities application to manually cache credentials that you want to use when submitting jobs to RSM queues, as well as validate and list accounts. For general information about credential caching and setting up accounts using the RSM Configuration application, see RSM-Supported Applications and Solvers.
The following arguments are used with operators of the creds command:
Table 7.2: Arguments Used for Managing Credentials
Argument | Usage |
-a account | Account name to be used for job submission to RSM queue. The default is the current account. |
-rq queue | The RSM queue to which the credentials will be applied. For caching, the default is all queues. |
-l | Launch UserProxy after validation. (Validation only) |
Refer to the table above when performing the following tasks:
Any user can cache their credentials for an RSM queue. Password caching must be done from the client machine.
Refer to Table 7.2: Arguments Used for Managing Credentials when running the caching command.
To cache credentials:
Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory:
rsm.exe creds c[ache] -a account -rq queue
Linux: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]/Config/tools/linux directory:
rsmutils creds c[ache] -a account -rq queue
When you run the caching command, you will be prompted for the password. For example:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\bin>rsm.exe creds cache -a ANSYS\atester -rq LSF-SCRATCH Caching password for: ANSYS\atester Enter password:
You can run a validation command to test whether or not the credentials cached for an RSM queue are valid. Refer to Table 7.2: Arguments Used for Managing Credentials when running the validation command.
To validate RSM queue credentials:
Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory:
rsm.exe creds v[alidate] -rq queue [-l]
Linux: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]/Config/tools/linux directory:
rsmutils creds v[alidate] -rq queue [-l]
Below is a sample validation:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\bin>rsm.exe creds v -rq LSF-SCRATCH Credentials are valid for target Queue (or not needed).
To list the RSM configurations to which an account's cached credentials resolve:
Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory:
rsm.exe creds l[ist] -a account
Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]/Config/tools/linux directory:
rsmutils creds l[ist] -a account
Below is a sample listing for an account:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\bin>rsm.exe creds l -a ANSYS\atester Credentials cached for Account ANSYS\atester resolve to these destinations: LSF Cluster
To list the accounts that have been applied to an RSM queue:
Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory:
rsm.exe creds l[ist] -rq queue
Linux: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]/Config/tools/linux directory:
rsmutils creds l[ist] -rq queue
Below is a sample listing for an RSM queue:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\bin>rsm.exe creds l -rq HPC-SCRATCH Credentials cached for Cluster Configuration MSHPC as: ANSYS\user1