The Extrude operation generates layers of prismatic elements from the input surface to a specified height. The generated volume may have layers of constant size hexahedral or triangular prism elements depending on the input surface.
Note: Extrude does not support inputs with topology.
The Extrude operation has the following controls:
Extrusion: Creates extruded layers from the input surface for a specified number of layers with specified height.
Custom Names: Creates enclosures or extrusions with the provided name.
Checkpoint Provides a revert option that allows you to revert the Extrude operation.
The Extrude operation has specific outcomes which can be added as per your needs. You can right-click Extrude operation, click Insert and select the required scope that you need as outcome in the consecutive operations. The available outcomes are:
Extrusion Start Scope: Scopes the base face used for extruding.
Extrusion End Scope: Scopes the end face created after extrusion.
Face Zone Scope: Scopes the created face zones in the Extrude operation.
Volume Zone Scope: Scopes the created volume zones in the Extrude operation.