
Extrusion control creates extruded layers from the input surface for a specified number of layers with specified height.

Extrusion Details view has the following options:




  • Define By: Allows you to perform extrusion based on value or settings. The available options are:

    • Value: Performs extrusion based on Per Layer Height and Number of Layers.

    • Settings: Performs extrusion based on the settings under Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view.

  • Per Layer Height: Allows you to specify the height of each layer of solid elements. The default value is 10 mm. You can click   on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Per Layer Height to the Property Worksheet. You can parameterize Per Layer Height only when Defined By is Value.

  • Number of Layers: Allows you to specify the number of layers to be used for extruding the model. The default value is 2. You can click   on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Number of Layers to the Property Worksheet. You can parameterize Number of Layers only when Defined By is Value.