The Projection feature allows you to project points on edges/faces and edges on faces/bodies. This feature can be executed on both frozen and active bodies.
The Projection feature is available via the Tools Menu and has four options (types):
Errors/Warnings/Problematic Geometry
If some of the selection sets do not produce any result after selecting project/imprint, then you will get a warning message and can view the problematic geometries. If the complete selection set does not produce any results, then you will get an error message and can view problematic geometries.
If multiple targets are selected, and selected entities could not be projected on all the targets then you will get a warning message.
Projection Properties
Edges / Points: Depending on the Projection Type property you can select 3D Edges or Points to Project.
Target: You can select the target entity or entities to project to.
Direction Vector: You can select a particular direction to project the selected. If no direction is selected, then the entity will be projected in a direction that is Closest to the target. In such a case, only one target entity is allowed to be selected.
Imprint: If this property is set to Yes, then the target entity is modified to include the projected entity. The target entity may also be divided into many entities if required. If this property is set to No, then the target entity is not modified. The projected entity will be a separate line body or a point depending on the geometry being projected.
Extend Edges: This property is only applicable when projecting edges. If this property is set to Yes, then, the projected edge is extended to the boundaries of the face being projected to. If a set of connected edges are chosen for the projection, then, the extension occurs only at vertices which are open or unconnected.
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