The frozen bodies, and merges them with the active bodies in the model if applicable.
feature activates a selected body, or a group ofDesignModeler is not an assembly modeler; rather it is an "extended" part modeler that can deal with multiple bodies. However, with the and the tools, certain modeling capabilities for (imported) assemblies do exist. On the one hand, this may seem a limitation, but on the other hand, this is a different approach to assembly modeling and allows actually more (or other) functionality (for example, slicing).
By default, if you import an assembly from a CAD package, the modeling capabilities of DesignModeler are limited, because applying any form of a 3D modeling operation would simply merge any touching bodies into one. However, this can be circumvented with the
and tools.If you immediately Freeze the model after importing an assembly or import an assembly using the Add Frozen operation, your bodies will be shielded from the merge. You can, at that point, add new bodies; however, you cannot modify any of the existing frozen bodies. For this, you can use Unfreeze to select bodies to become "active." (Active bodies are depicted as shaded blue blocks in the Tree Outline. DesignModeler can now operate on the newly unfrozen bodies as it would on any other active bodies.
Freeze Others
If set to Yes, all unselected bodies will become frozen, while selected bodies will become active. You do not have to first immediately followed by an .
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