The Export option is used to export a model to one of several formats:
DesignModeler (.agdb)
Parasolid (.x_t, .xmt_txt or .x_b, .xmt_bin)
Ansys Icepak Model (model)
Ansys Neutral File (.anf)
IGES (.igs)
Monte Carlo N-Particle (.mcnp)
STEP (.stp)
The agdb), Parasolid (.x_t, .xmt_txt or .x_b, .xmt_bin), Ansys Neutral File (.anf) , Monte Carlo N-Particle (.mcnp), IGES (.igs), STEP (.stp) format or Ansys Icepak Model (model) format.
option is used to export a model to the DesignModeler application (.The original model name still presides over the DesignModeler application session. Note that bodies that are grouped in multiple body parts do not share topology when exported to formats other than the DesignModeler application's agdb. In those cases, all bodies are treated as if they are single body parts.
Models edited in the DesignModeler application are stored in meters internally. Therefore, when you Export to any CAD interface, the model is in meters.
When exporting to IGES, the unit setting will always be meters. Additionally, non-manifold line bodies may not be exported properly, or may not be exported at all.
When exporting to Monte Carlo N-Particle files, it is recommended that you create an Enclosure feature as the last feature that represents the Outside world model.
When exporting to Parasolid, Monte Carlo N-Particle, IGES, and STEP formats, those exported files may appear in the Recent Imports list.
When exporting to a Parasolid, IGES or STEP file from a DesignModeler session with Large Model enabled, a model scaled down by one thousand times will be exported.
When exporting to an Ansys Icepak Model file format, a file of name "model" will be written in the directory where the export file is specified. The use input for the filename will be ignored. Additionally, a limitation exists that when changing the export format type to Icepak Model file format, the name of the file on the File browser does not change. Starting in release 14.0, the Ansys DesignModeler application's part-body structure will be exported as Icepak assemblies when exporting to an Icepak model file. For more information about Icepak, see DesignModeler Electronics.
If you perform Shared Topology operations before you export the file, the Shared Topology is not respected if you subsequently import the file into Mechanical APDL.
If the DesignModeler session uses Large Model Support or Micrometer units, then the exported geometry may be scaled 1000x smaller or larger. This due to scaling that DesignModeler must do to support the precision and size requirements of those modes.
Other file management options: