11.1.1. BladeBuilder Cell Properties

To see the cell properties of the BladeBuilder cell, select that cell. If necessary, turn on the Properties pane from the View menu. Most of the cell properties are described in Table 11.1: BladeBuilder Cell Properties.

Table 11.1: BladeBuilder Cell Properties





Component ID

This is the name of the cell with which the present set of properties is associated.

Directory Name

This is the system directory name that appears within the project files.




Used Licenses

Last Update Used Licenses


Geometry Import Options

Solid Bodies

If this property is selected, then BladeBuilder will import solid bodies from the connected upstream geometry source.

Surface Bodies

If this property is selected, then BladeBuilder will import surface bodies from the connected upstream geometry source.

Line Bodies

If this property is selected, then BladeBuilder will import line bodies from the connected upstream geometry source.

Geometry Source

Geometry File Name

This is the name of the file used to import geometry.

Teamcenter Connection

The source string obtained from the Teamcenter, pointing to the NX geometry.

CAD Plug-In

This is the name of the CAD plugin used to import geometry.