toolbar includes four options:and can be used to write Aqwa model data into the Rigid Dynamics project if the user chooses not to do so via the .
There are two steps to write the Aqwa model data into the Rigid Dynamics project:
Load the Aqwa input *.DAT file and *.ADM file by clicking . Once the files have been successfully loaded, there is no need to further import them unless the input files have been changed.
for the Add-on to write the Aqwa data into the Rigid Dynamics project.
is used to remove any objects created by the Aqwa Co-simulation Add-on.
provides a three-step wizard, which guides you through the process of establishing the connection with the AeroDyn inputs and importing the Aqwa data into the Rigid Dynamics project, setting up a co-simulation Twin Builder project and running the co-simulation analysis.
Note: The toolbar options are only active in the Rigid Dynamics project when the project tree object (except the Solution branch and its subbranches) is selected.
The Aqwa data needed by the Add-on are in the Aqwa *.ADM file and *.DAT file. The Add-on will parse these two imported files. If any problem occurs, warnings or errors will be shown in both the message panel and the Extensions Log File.
co-simulation pins which match the Aqwa FMU package's co-simulation pins. This requires that the data in the Aqwa input *.DAT file and *.ADM file have already been imported into the Add-on (see Update/Import Aqwa File). If the Add-on does not find the required Aqwa data files or sufficient Aqwa data, the Add-on will request a re-selection of the Aqwa files. The Aqwa data will be mapped into the Rigid Dynamics project in the forms of:
can write Aqwa model data (including the COG positions and initial positions of Aqwa structures, the fluid added mass matrix at the infinite frequency, etc.) into the Rigid Dynamics project and generate theAn added mass script and an Aqwa Co-simulation option script
Pin joints for the co-simulation pins
The added mass and Aqwa Co-simulation option script will be written to the first Rigid Dynamic system in the project tree.
The pin joints for the co-simulation pins are general joints, which have been set to Free in all degrees of freedom. They are located at the Aqwa structures’ COGs. During the co-simulation analysis, the hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and mooring loads on the COG of each Aqwa structure will be transferred onto the pin joint at the corresponding Aqwa structure’s COG in the Rigid Dynamics model. The initial displacements and rotations of each Aqwa structure are also applied through those pin joints, and this Add-on will automatically set the scope of the pin joint on the surface of its corresponding Aqwa structure. However, in some cases when the mesh data in the Aqwa input *.DAT file do not match the geometry in the Rigid Dynamics project, you need to manually select the scope for the pin joints. Apart from this case, it is strongly recommended not to change anything the Add-on creates unless you are fully aware of the resulting effects.
Note: If you plan to use the , the sequence of the co-simulation pins created by this Add-on should not be changed, and any additional co-simulation pins should be added at the end of the existing co-simulation pins created by this Add-on.
button can help you to remove unwanted objects created by this Add-on quickly. There are three options:Clear Aqwa Data: Removes the tree objects (added mass script, pin joints, and the co-simulation pins) created by the option or the Aqwa Modeling Data step of the Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard.
Clear AeroDyn Marker: Removes all the coordinate systems created for the AeroDyn marker in the Aerodyn Connection step of the Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard.
Clear AeroDyn Scripts: Removes all the scripts created in the AeroDyn Connection step of the Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard.
Note: The Clear button cannot remove the objects created by the Aqwa Co-simulation Add-on during previous use (that is, before the Add-on has been previously unloaded).
The Co-simulation Wizard opens the Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard interface, when selected. You can also continue with previous wizard progress, if it exists. The Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard is designed to automate some of the co-simulation steps.
A prerequisite for running a co-simulation via the Aqwa Co-simulation Setup Wizard is locally installing the Ansys Twin Builder.