The Connections object allows you to create connections between structures or between structures and the environment. The available connections are:
When the Connections object is selected in the Outline tree, and there are one or more Cables, Tethers/Risers, Fenders, or Joints defined, the Hydrodynamic Response Connections Summary table will be displayed:

The table summarizes the activity, type, connectivity, and attachment points for each connection included in a Hydrodynamic Response analysis (Connection Stiffness objects are not listed).
The Hydrodynamic Response Connections Summary table also displays the Aqwa Index of each connection as it is assigned by the Aqwa solver (the index number is assigned using the groupings: Cables/Fenders, Joints, and Tethers/Risers). This is useful if you are using the Hydrodynamic Pressure Mapping Add-On to transfer Cable, Joint, or Tether loads from a time domain Hydrodynamic Response analysis to a Static Structural analysis because the connections in the structural analysis are identified by their Aqwa Index. This table provides the relation between named connections in the hydrodynamic model and their Aqwa Index in the structural model.
For a linear cable which includes one or more pulleys along its length, each section of the cable is assigned its own index. In the example above, Cable 1 runs from Anchor 1, through Pulleys 1 and 2, to Anchor 2, so it appears three times in the Hydrodynamic Response Connections Summary table.
Note: The Aqwa solver internally considers Fenders as another type of cable. Aqwa Workbench writes Fenders after Cables in the Aqwa input file; therefore, the Aqwa Index for a Fender starts at max(Aqwa Index for Cables) + 1.