The following ocean environment and forces objects can be added to your analysis (or may be included with your analysis by default). Some are restricted to the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis and some are restricted to the Hydrodynamic Response analysis.
- 5.11.1. Structure Selection
- 5.11.2. Wave Directions
- 5.11.3. Wave Frequencies
- 5.11.4. Starting Conditions
- 5.11.5. Structure Force
- 5.11.6. Regular Wave
- 5.11.7. Irregular Wave
- 5.11.8. Irregular Wave Group
- 5.11.9. Current
- 5.11.10. Wind
- 5.11.11. Cable Winch
- 5.11.12. Connection Failure
- 5.11.13. Point Force
- 5.11.14. Deactivated Freedoms