Submitting Solutions

You can use the Solution Process properties of a system's Solution cell to control where you run the solution. You can choose from the update options listed here; the defaults for these options are determined by the settings specified in the Solution Process user preferences.

To submit solutions:

  1. Right-click the Solution cell of a system and select Properties from the context menu.

  2. In the Properties pane, from the Update Option drop-down list, select from the following options:

    • Run in Foreground: Runs the solution within the current Workbench session. This option is appropriate for quick-running solutions that fit within the resources of your workstation. This option is also the most robust as it is not possible to make changes that impact the current solution. When a solution is executing in the foreground, you cannot change or save the project, but you can interrupt or stop the solution.

      For Polyflow Classic and CFX component or analysis systems, you can switch an update in progress on the local machine to background mode by right-clicking the Solution cell and selecting Switch Active Solution to Background.

    • Run in Background: Runs the solution in the background on the local machine. This option is appropriate for solutions that fit within the resources of your workstation but will take longer to execute. When a solution runs in the background, the cell enters the Pending state and you can interact with the project to exit Workbench or work with other parts of the project. If you make changes to the project that are upstream of the updating cell, then the cell is not in an up-to-date state when the solution completes.

      For Mechanical APDL, the Download Distributed Files property is not available and does appear in the General Property table during foreground and background updates.

      Note:  If you choose the Run in Background option for multiple solution components or for one solution component with multiple design points, your project and design point updates run multiple instances of the solver at the same time. If you are using the Share single license between applications when possible option in the license preferences, only one of the solver runs can succeed. The others fail because they cannot access the single license. There are two workarounds for this problem:

    • Use application default (Mechanical application only): Runs the solution using the solver settings specified in the Mechanical application.

    • Submit to Remote Solve Manager: Runs the solution in the background by submitting the solution to RSM. Use this option for long-running solutions that do not fit within your workstation's resources. When you submit a solution, RSM can send it to a remote compute cluster, or to a Cloud portal. RSM can also submit jobs to the local machine to allow the queuing of solutions on your workstation. When a solution is submitted to RSM, the Solution cell enters the Pending state, similar to the Run in Background option.

      For more information on submitting solutions to RSM, see Submitting Solutions to Remote Solve Manager.

  3. To save the project, from the menu bar, select File > Save.

    If you choose not to save the project and any cells are configured to use RSM or run in the background, you must change the solution process settings of those cells to run in the foreground before you can update.

  4. To start the solution, select the appropriate option from the application, or right-click the Solution cell and select Update from the context menu.

    Note:  When you submit the solution to Mechanical and there is no license available in the queue, if the Close Mechanical During Launch If No License preference is selected you are prompted to cancel the request. If this preference is not selected, the application opens in read-only mode.