Fluid Flow (Polyflow Classic)

The Fluid Flow (Polyflow Classic) systems analyze fluid flows with free surfaces, complex rheology (including non-Newtonian behavior with viscoelasticity), heat transfer, and chemical reactions.

This analysis is configured in Ansys Polyflow Classic.

There are three Polyflow Classic fluid flow analysis systems available in Workbench:

  • The Fluid Flow (Polyflow Classic) system provides the full simulation capabilities of Polyflow Classic.

  • The Fluid Flow - Blow Molding (Polyflow Classic) system provides only the application-specific capabilities of Polyflow Classic that are suited to blow-molding simulations.

  • The Fluid Flow - Extrusion (Polyflow Classic) system provides only the application-specific capabilities of Polyflow Classic that are suited to extrusion simulations.

Use a Polyflow Classic, Blow Molding (Polyflow Classic), or Extrusion (Polyflow Classic) fluid flow analysis system to apply a computational mesh to a geometry within Workbench, then use Polydata to define pertinent mathematical models (for example, Generalized Newtonian, Viscoelastic, and so on), select materials, define boundary conditions, and specify solution controls that best represent the problem to be solved. Polyflow Classic solves the mathematical equations, and the results of the simulation can be displayed in CFD-Post for further analysis (for example, contours, vectors, and so on).

For detailed information on working with Polyflow Classic, see the online help in Polyflow Classic, the Polyflow Classic User's Guide, and the Polyflow Classic in Workbench User's Guide.