3.2.1. TurboGrid Options

The TurboGrid options are:

  • Enable Advanced Features

    Some advanced features are hidden in the user interface. You can select this option to unhide those advanced features.

  • Enable Beta Features

    Some Beta features are hidden in the user interface. You can select this option to "unhide" those features. When selected, such features are identified by "(Beta)" in the user interface. Note that Beta features are unofficial and not well tested.

  • Enable regions based on high and low blade geometry

    This preference is on by default. Turning off this preference prevents writing GEO HIGH and GEO LOW versions of the HIGHBLADE and LOWBLADE surface groups, enabling Fluent in Workbench to read meshes from TurboGrid via CGNS files; Fluent does not currently support reading the GEO HIGH- and GEO LOW-based surface groups. For details on surface groups, see Surface Groups in the TurboGrid User's Guide.

  • Use ATM3D Meshing By Default

    Turning on this preference causes new cases to use the ATM3D meshing approach by default. This preference takes effect the next time you start TurboGrid.

    You can override the default setting for the current case by setting Mesh Generation Mode to ATM3D in the Topology Set object. For details, see Mesh Generation Mode.

  • Default CAD Generation Tool

    Specifies the default CAD Generation tool to use for importing NDF files (see Import NDF File Command) and for generating CAD from profile points (see Geometry Browser Settings (CAD From Profile Points Mode)).

  • Opening Region Tolerance

    This value is multiplied by the hub curve length (in a given case) in order to generate the default value for the Hub Region Proximity Tolerance setting. Similarly, this value is multiplied by the shroud curve length in order to generate the default value for the Shroud Region Proximity Tolerance setting. For details, see Hub Regions and Shroud Regions Tab.

  • ATM Five Star Vertex Mesh Size Factor

    This value affects mesh smoothness. A value anywhere from 0.7 to 0.8 is recommended. A value much higher than 1.0 is not recommended. Viewer

Highlight Type controls how an object is highlighted in the viewer window while in picking mode when highlighting is on. For details, see Viewer Toolbar.

  • If Bounding Box is selected, the object is always highlighted with a red box surrounding the Object.

  • If Wireframe is selected, the object is traced with a red line if the object contains surfaces. Background

The following background options are available:

  • Color: A constant color can be chosen.

  • Image: One of a list of Predefined images or a Custom image can be selected. When setting a custom image, you must choose an image file and a type of mapping. The image types that are supported are: jpg, png, ppm. Mapping options are Flat and Spherical. Text Color and Edge Color

In the stand-alone version, set text color and edge color as appropriate. Axis Visibility

If the Axis Visibility check box is selected, the axis appears in the lower left corner of the viewer window. The axis is useful for reference when the geometry is rotated. The axis labels change when the viewer coordinates are transformed. Ruler Visibility

If the Ruler Visibility check box is selected, a ruler appears in the viewer to show the length scale. Stereo

See Stereo Viewer. Mesh Quality Measures

The Mesh Quality Measures branch contains settings for the mesh analysis variables.

For each mesh analysis variable:

  • There is a check box of the same name that controls:

    • Whether the variable is calculated during mesh generation and reported in the Mesh Statistics dialog box, and

    • Whether the variable appears in the Mesh Limits object.

  • The settings below the check box serve as defaults for the Mesh Limits object.

For details, see: