To use an NDF file as a geometry source, use the Import NDF File command.
Note: The Import NDF File command requires:
A BladeModeler or BladeBuilder license, depending on the selected CAD Generator.
To use the Import NDF File command:
Select File > Import NDF File.
The Import NDF dialog box appears.
Ensure that CAD Generator is set appropriately.
The CAD Generator setting specifies which tool is used to generate CAD geometry for TurboGrid. The default selection is controlled by preference Default CAD Generation Tool (see TurboGrid Options).
If the NDF file cannot be opened using the selected CAD Generator, a notice will appear and the OK and Apply buttons will be disabled.
Set NDF File Name to the name of the NDF file containing the geometry.
Optionally click the Browse
icon beside NDF File Name to use the Import NDF File dialog box to select an NDF file.
Optionally change Generated CAD Definition > File Name, which specifies the planned name of the CAD definition file (Parasolid file with extension ".x_b") to generate.
If the specified CAD definition file already exists, it will be overwritten by the CAD definition that is generated upon importing the specified NDF file.
Under Select a Blade Row, select a blade row to load from the CAD definition file after the latter is generated.
Click OK or Apply to generate the CAD definition based on the specified NDF file and then load the selected blade row.
Generation (or regeneration) of the CAD geometry involves running BladeEditor or BladeBuilder temporarily in the background to generate the CAD file and associated TurboGrid Initialization file, then loading those two files into TurboGrid, resulting in new/updated CAD objects and (in accordance with the contents of the TurboGrid Initialization file) new/updated topological entities in the Geometry workspace tree.
After importing an NDF file, the selected blade row, as well as the flow path and any secondary flow paths, are loaded into the current session of TurboGrid. You can load into subsequent sessions of TurboGrid any other blade rows from the same generated CAD definition file by using the Load TurboGrid Init File command to load the .tginit file. For details, see Load TurboGrid Init File Command.
For more information, see Defining Geometry from Generated CAD: CAD From NDF.