NX Reader (*.prt)

The interface works in a Reader mode.

  • This is a stand-alone reader that does not require the NX system be installed.

  • No CAD associativity support.

  • No CAD Parameter support.

This interface can be configured during Ansys installation or by using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.

See Product & CAD Configuration Manager for usage information.

For detailed installation information about the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, see:


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows platform is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Document import supported by interface: Part (*.prt) and Assembly (*.prt)

Versions: UG 11 – NX 2406

Table 16: Import Preference Support for NX Reader Interface

Import Solid BodiesYes
Import Surface BodiesYes
Import Line BodiesYes
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix keyNo
Attribute Processing and prefixYes - Color and Layer
Named Selection Processing and prefixYes - Color and Layer
Material ProcessingYes
Analysis Type
3D - Yes
2D - Yes- surface and line bodies on the xy plane may be imported
Coordinate SystemsYes
Work PointsYes
Reader Save FileNo
Instancing No
Smart UpdateNo
Enclosure and Symmetry ProcessingNo
Mixed Import ResolutionNo
Decompose Disjoint GeometryYes


Selective Update  —  This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.

Length Unit  —  The length unit specified in the part or assembly is automatically read from the geometry file and is transferred into Ansys Workbench. The Length Unit field in the Details will be read-only. If a unit system is not detected in the geometry file, the Length Unit field in the Details will be active, allowing the Length Unit to be specified.

Hidden Parts  —  Parts that are hidden, blanked or suppressed in NX are skipped automatically by this interface.

Import CAD Color as Named Selections  —  To import an object's Color as Named Selections in Ansys Workbench, specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color" or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").

Import CAD Layer as Named Selections  —  To import objects that are assigned a Layer as Named Selections in Ansys Workbench, specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").

Caveats and Known Issues

Assembly Cut.  —  NX 3 implements a new feature named "assembly cut". The Reader provides limited support for this new feature.

Tool Body Used for “cut”.  —  Reader does not distinguish between the tool body and target bodies.

Limited Support for Assembly Attributes.  —  Translation of Hidden Attribute in assembly files is not supported. Translation of layer information in assembly files is not supported. When same sub-assembly definition is instantiated more than once and assigned different colors at each level, the Reader will translate the color combination of the first sub-assembly definition colors found. The Reader does not duplicate the same sub-assembly definitions if the sub-assembly is used multiple times.

Limited Support for Coordinate Systems.  —  WCS present in the part files will be translated only if they are referred through Reference Sets that to be included in the assembly instances. For example, in the default 'Part' Reference Set does not contains WCS. Hence, WCS will not get translated with 'Part' Reference Sets when included in the assembly files. This matches with the NX Modeler behavior.

Hole Feature.  —  Hole name will not match the feature name in NX. For example, in NX the feature name in a feature tree may be SIMPLE HOLE (3), however, reader outputs it as SIMPLE HOLE (1). Hole top face information is not supported. Pattern of Hole feature is not supported.

Datum Target.  —   Orientation_Position_1 and Orientation_Position_2 values for all Datum Targets are not supported.

Important: Non-semantic Datum Target without datum reference is not supported. Semantic Datum Target Type Arbitrary Shape is not supported.

Name Attribute for Sketches.  —  As for sketches, the name attached to a sketch is not translated, but the name attached to the curve or point of a sketch will be translated.

Material Properties.  —  If a material property has multiple values, then only the first value in the table is given as the value for that property. Only isotropic materials from the NX material library are translated. In material properties, only the Unit systems available in an NX Modeler are supported. Custom Unit systems are not supported.

Limited Support  —  Non-Commercial, Education Edition, Alpha, Beta, and PR versions (even of supported official versions) are not supported.


No known issues have been identified in the CAD Integration Troubleshooting section.