AutoCAD Reader (*.dwg, *.dxf)

The interface works in a Reader mode.

  • This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the AutoCAD system be installed.

  • No CAD associativity support.

  • No CAD Parameter support.

The interface can be configured during Ansys installation or by using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.

See Product & CAD Configuration Manager for usage information.

For detailed installation information about the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, see:


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows platform is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Document import supported by interface: *.dwg, *.dxf

Versions: 2.5 - 2019

Table 2: Import Preference Support for AutoCAD Reader Interface

Import Solid BodiesYes
Import Surface BodiesYes
Import Line BodiesYes
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix keyNo
Attribute Processing and prefixYes - Color and Layer
Named Selection Processing and prefixYes - Color and Layer
Material ProcessingNo
Analysis Type
3D - Yes
2D - Yes- surface and line bodies on the xy plane may be imported
Coordinate SystemsYes
Work PointsYes
Reader Save FileNo
Instancing No
Smart UpdateNo
Enclosure and Symmetry ProcessingNo
Mixed Import ResolutionNo
Decompose Disjoint GeometryYes


Selective Update  —  This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.

Length Unit  —  The length unit specified in the part or assembly is automatically read from the geometry file and is transferred into Ansys Workbench. The Length Unit field in the Details will be read-only. If a unit system is not detected in the geometry file, the Length Unit field in the Details will be active, allowing the Length Unit to be specified.

Hidden Parts  —  Parts that are hidden or suppressed in AutoCAD are skipped automatically by this interface.

Import CAD Color as an Attribute or Named Selection  —  

  • Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").

  • Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color" or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").

Import CAD Layer as an Attribute or Named Selection  —  

  • Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").

  • Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")

Caveats and Known Issues

The AutoCAD Reader has the following limitations:

  • No AEC and AECB entries.

  • No support for paper spaces.

  • No support for block properties (Color, Layer).

  • No support for Insert Layer Mode color handling.

  • No support for PMI & Text.

  • No support for Body names.

Limited Support  —  Non-Commercial, Education Edition, Alpha, Beta, and PR versions (even of supported official versions) are not supported.


See CAD Integration Troubleshooting for detailed information.