4.2.2. Correlations Used for Non-constant Properties

In addition to the temperature properties listed in Table 4.4: Fuel species single-temperature properties, the Fuel Library contains a number of temperature-dependent properties for the liquid-fuel components. These properties are provided using correlations to temperature and coefficients that correspond to those correlations. In this section, the nature of the input for each temperature-dependent property is described. The correlations and coefficients used in the Reaction Workbench fuel-property file originate from the DIPPR Database [41]. The reference temperature for these values is 298 K.

For the fuel species listed in Table 4.3: Chemical species identification properties, the coefficients are included in the fuelproperty file within the Installation data directory. Liquid Density

Liquid Density is a 3-coefficient correlation with units of kmole/m3. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the vaporization model for liquid fuels. The correlation with temperature for Liquid Density is:


where the values for the 3 coefficients , , and are given in a fuel’s LiquidDensity property tag, while is the Critical Temperature, and is included in the CriticalTemperature tag. Vapor Pressure

Vapor Pressure is a 5-coefficient correlation with units of Pa. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the Vaporization model for liquid fuels. The correlation for VaporPressure is:


where the values for the 5 coefficients through are given in a fuel’s VaporPressure property tag. Liquid Specific Heat (Heat Capacity, Liquid)

Liquid Heat Capacity or Liquid Specific Heat is tagged LiquidSpecificHeat. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the vaporization model of liquid fuels. It is a 5-coefficient correlation with units of J/kmol-K.

The first number in the tag is an integer indicating the type of the correlation and the next five numbers are the five correlation coefficients: through . The liquid specific heat calculation uses two types of correlations (mutually exclusive). The type of correlation is determined based on the first ID tag that is either 1 or 2. The Type 1 correlation (Equation 4–3) is most commonly used. However, a few components, such as n-butane and n-heptane, use the Type 2 correlation (Equation 4–4).



In Equation 4–4, is a reduced temperature, . Liquid Viscosity

Liquid Viscosity is tagged LiquidViscosity. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the vaporization model of liquid fuels. It is a 7-coefficient correlation with units of Pa-sec. The correlation is


where the first 5 numbers in a fuel’s LiquidViscosity property tag are values for the 5 coefficients through and the 6th and 7th numbers are lower and upper temperature bounds for the correlation. Surface Tension

Surface Tension is tagged SurfaceTension. The property is tabulated against temperature or reduced temperature and used in the vaporization model of liquid fuels. It is a 5-coefficient correlation with units of N/m. The first number in the tag is an integer indicating the type of the correlation and the next five numbers are the five correlation coefficients to ( and are usually 0).

The surface tension calculation uses two types of correlations (mutually exclusive). The type of correlation is determined based on the first ID tag of either 1 or 2. The Type 1 correlation (Equation 4–6) is most commonly used. However, a few components, such as methanol and ethanol, use the Type 2 correlation (Equation 4–7).


where temperature is or a reduced temperature, .

(4–7) Liquid Thermal Conductivity

Liquid Thermal Conductivity is tagged LiquidThermalConductivity. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the vaporization model of liquid fuels. It is a 5-coefficient correlation with units of J/m-sec-K. The correlation is


where the values for the 5 coefficients through are given in a fuel’s LiquidThermalConductivity property tag. Heat of Vaporization (Enthalpy of Vaporization)

Heat of Vaporization is tagged HeatVaporization. This property is tabulated against temperature and used in the vaporization model of liquid fuels. It is a 5-coefficient correlation with units of J/mole. The correlation is


where the values for the 5 coefficients through are given in a fuel’s HeatVaporization property tag. Non-linear Blend Parameters

Values under the property tag BlendONCNParameters are used in a nonlinear blending technique to estimate Octane Numbers and Cetane Numbers, as shown in Equation 4–10 and Equation 4–12. This method was adapted to provide the best fit for a pure component-based expression, rather than a lumped component-class expression, such as seen in Ghosh et al. [42] [43] In addition, the paraffin adjustment term was modified to include a contribution from aromatics as shown in Equation 4–11.


Table 4.5: Definitions of symbols used in Equation 4–10


n- and iso-paraffins








ON of component i


Correlation parameter for component i


Liquid volume fraction of component i


This correlation is used for both RON and MON, but the coefficients are different. Note that is calculated only for paraffins and its value is non-zero when naphthenes (for example, MCH or decalin), olefins and/or aromatics are present in the blend.

The correlation for estimating the cetane number is slightly simpler than that for ON as it does not involve the extra term .
