8.1. Overview

You can create 2D curves in Ansys Polymat, or load .crv files that you have previously created in Polymat, .prb files that Polyflow Classic saved during the calculation (see Saving Data at a Specified Point in the separate Polyflow Classic User's Guide), or .cnvg files that Polyflow Classic created when monitoring the relative variation of the norm of a given field as it evolves during the solver iterations. For information about creating and loading curves, see Working with Curves and Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Non-Automatic Fitting Method, respectively. These curves are automatically displayed in a chart, which is a tab with a white area with two axes. You can manipulate the display using the various GUI controls and your mouse. Each curve can also have different attributes (color, marker, and so on) and can be included in more than one chart, if desired. After you have defined the curves in a particular chart, you can save it for use in a later Ansys Polymat session.

When you click the Draw menu button, the curves that were selected with the Rheometry menu button will be updated and added to the current chart. This allows you to progressively fit the selected fluid model to the available rheological data by adjusting the model parameters one by one. See Non-Automatic Fitting for details. Note that you will not need to click Draw and Rheometry if you use the automatic fitting procedure, because Ansys Polymat will update the chart for you automatically after it completes the fitting calculation.