The Ansys Polyflow Classic package includes the following products and modules:
Ansys Polyflow Classic, the solver
Ansys Polydata, the preprocessor for problem definition
Ansys Polymat, the preprocessor for material data specification
Ansys Polystat, the statistical postprocessor for quantitative comparison of flows
CFD-Post, the graphical postprocessor for examining results
filters (translators) for import of meshes from CAD/CAE packages such as PATRAN and I-deas, and export of meshes and results to these and other programs
Figure 1.1: Basic Program Structure shows the organizational structure of these components.
You can create meshes for Ansys Polyflow Classic using Ansys Meshing, Ansys Fluent, and Fluent Meshing, as well as Ansys ICEM CFD (POWERMESH) and POLYMESH. Other alternatives include PATRAN, I-deas third-party CAD/CAE packages, and other software packages that support these file formats.
Once your mesh is created, you can read it into Ansys Polydata and set up the simulation. In Ansys Polydata, you will define the physical models, material properties, boundary and process conditions, numerical parameters, and so on. When you have completed the problem definition, you will save it to a data file, which can be used to run Ansys Polyflow Classic.
In conjunction with the problem specification in Ansys Polydata, you may want to use the Ansys Polymat preprocessor for some preliminary material property analysis. Ansys Polymat enables you to compute material properties based on experimental or other data. The result of the Ansys Polymat calculation is material property data that is passed to Ansys Polydata through a material data file. The use of Ansys Polymat is optional; it is generally used when you need to determine complex material property data for your model.
Ansys Polyflow Classic is the central solver. It computes a solution based on the problem definition specified in the data file that you created in Ansys Polydata, and saves the solution to a results file. You can also start an Ansys Polyflow Classic calculation from a previous results file. Such a restarting procedure is useful, for example, in nonlinear problems where you want to save CPU time.
When you have completed your calculation in Ansys Polyflow Classic, you can use the graphical postprocessor CFD-Post to examine your results. Other postprocessing packages that can be used to examine Ansys Polyflow Classic results are FieldView, PATRAN, and I-deas.
In addition to the graphical postprocessors, a statistical postprocessor called Ansys Polystat is also available. Ansys Polystat allows you to interactively analyze properties calculated along particle trajectories and perform statistical calculations that can be used to predict mixing efficiency and other macroscopic flow properties. Ansys Polystat operates on a set of trajectories created by Ansys Polyflow Classic for a mixing task.
Ansys Polyflow Classic is available at three different licensing levels, controlling the availability of various features and functionalities:
Enterprise—full access to all Polyflow Classic solver capabilities (along with those CFD Premium and CFD Pro features), as documented in the Polyflow Classic User's Guide, including:
Viscoelasticity & all material models with yield stress
Internal FSI
Residual stress
Porous media
Reacting flow
2D & 3D contact and fluid-fluid contact
Parison programming and optimization
Full adaptive meshing
Premium—full access to the following Polyflow Classic solver capabilities, as documented in the Polyflow Classic User's Guide:
Extrusion/coextrusion (interface and species)
Blow molding
Constant viscosity and generalized non-Newtonian flows (excludes Bingham, Herschel-Bulkley, modified Herschel-Bulkley)
Link to Mechanical
Polymat for material fitting
Shell contact
Starting from initial results
Free surface boundary conditions
Adaptive meshing (limited to contact and remeshing)
Pro—(equivalent to Premium).