34.4.1. Fixed Domain

You can use the fixed domain method to specify that all of the nodes of the domain remain fixed at their original coordinates.

  1. Click Fixed domain in the Preprocessor menu.

      Fixed domain

    The Preprocessor: mesh deformation menu will open.

  2. Specify the domain of the fixed domain method.

    Note that the previous procedure for defining the deformation domain is the same for all transformation methods.

    1. Click Deformation domain to open the Domain of the sub-task menu.

        Deformation domain

    2. Modify the upper list of subdomains until it matches your best estimate of the domain on which the sub-task will be defined. To remove a subdomain, select it in the upper list and click the Remove button. To add a subdomain, select it in the lower list and click the Add button.

    3. Click the Upper level menu button to return to the Preprocessor: mesh deformation menu.

      If one or more of your selected subdomains have already been used to define another preprocessor sub-task for mesh deformation, you will be warned. If you receive this warning, you must modify the domain of the appropriate preprocessor sub-task, in order to avoid any overlap in their domain definitions.

  3. Click Upper level menu to return to the Task menu, and continue defining the task.