30.1.1. Recalculating with a Different Interpolation

Iterating can begin from the default solution (with all values set to zero) or from an old results file. Ansys Polyflow Classic can interpolate from a saved results file to a modified results file obtained with a different element type. For example, you can start with a temperature field obtained with quadratic elements and compute a new solution with 4×4 sub-elements. To do this, you will specify in Ansys Polydata the solution from which to start (as described in Starting an Ansys Polyflow Classic Calculation from an Existing Results File), change the interpolation scheme, save a new data file, and begin the Ansys Polyflow Classic calculation from the new data file.

It is also possible to start a calculation from results obtained on a different mesh. See Results Interpolation Onto Another Mesh for details.