6.8.3. Steps for Combining Meshes

The basic steps for combining multiple meshes with Ansys Polyfuse are as follows:

  1. Select the meshes to be combined.

    File Select Meshes

  2. Perform any manipulations on the meshes using the items in the Operations menu (that is, the Translate, Rotate, and Scaling menu items) and the items in the Edit submenu.

  3. You can examine the mesh, which is displayed in the Graphics Display window and updated as necessary by default. You can use the menu items in the View menu to manually update the display (if you have disabled automatic updating), and you can report information about the mesh using the Info menu item.

  4. Save the combined meshes to a single file.

    File Write Mesh

  5. Exit from Ansys Polyfuse and return to Ansys Polydata.

    File Exit

Back in Ansys Polydata, you can read the new mesh file and proceed with the problem definition.