6.3.1. Element and Node Numbering

Ansys Polydata’s conversion utility does not modify the PATRAN or I-deas element or node numbering. Since element and node numbering for Ansys Polyflow Classic must start at 1 and must be continuous, you must be sure to number the elements and nodes in this way in PATRAN or I-deas (even though they do not require this themselves). Some numbering errors will be detected and reported by Ansys Polydata during the conversion, but others will only be detected by Ansys Polyflow Classic itself. You should verify that the number of elements and nodes reported after the conversion by Ansys Polydata is identical to the number of elements and nodes reported in the TOPO section of the Ansys Polyflow Classic listing file (described in Contents of a Sample Listing File). Specifically, the number of Ele and Vert reported by Ansys Polydata after the conversion should match the number of bricks and nodes reported for the root mesh in the TOPO section.

By default, Ansys Polyflow Classic will optimize the element numbering, which affects the CPU time required for the calculation, before it begins the calculation. If you prefer to perform the optimization yourself in PATRAN or I-deas, and have Ansys Polyflow Classic use that optimization instead of optimizing the mesh itself, you will need to start Ansys Polyflow Classic with the -opt msh command line option, as described in Using Optimized or Decomposed Mesh.

If you perform the optimization in PATRAN, use the Cuthill-McKee algorithm in the optimize section. In I-deas, reduce the element wavefront before modifying the element numbering. The reduction will not take place if the element is not modified. Optimizing the average wavefront minimizes the CPU time, and optimizing the maximum wavefront reduces the memory requirements.