4.7.1. Saving Ansys Polyflow Classic Messages to a Listing File

When you start Ansys Polyflow Classic from the command line, you must specify a name for the listing file; otherwise, the messages will only be displayed in the xterm or DOS window. The following procedure shows how to create a listing file named my.lst from the command line.

  1. Be sure the mesh and data files (and the results file, if you are starting from an old one) are in your working directory.

  2. Start Ansys Polyflow Classic by typing:

    polyflow < my.dat > my.lst

    Ansys Polyflow Classic will read the specified data file (and the mesh and results files it points to) and perform the calculation, writing all messages about its progress to my.lst.

When the calculation is complete, you can view the listing file with a text editor, so that you can review what Ansys Polyflow Classic has done. For example, you can check the listing file to see if the solution has converged. See Contents of a Sample Listing File for a description of the listing file’s contents.