
Examples are short descriptions of problems and links to files that you can explore without following a full tutorial.

Note:  Style Update

In 2025R1, the optiSLang application was updated with new icons and new styling:

The tutorials in this guide have not yet been updated to include the new look.

If you would like to change the optiSLang settings to match what appears in these tutorials:

  1. Go to Edit > Settings > Application > Icon theme.

  2. Change the setting to "Legacy optiSLang".

Braille Printer

Kamusella 2003

Each character consists of a 2x4 dot matrix. Four available needles need two stamps per character. 130 characters per second (260 stamps per second) are required. With a 10% safety margin, the maximum time for a full embossing cycle is 3.4 ms.

The optimization task is minimization of the cycle time with successful embossing.

For the example files, download the braille_printer_example zip file from here .

Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization

Perform a sensitivity analysis with the given parameter bounds:

  • Initial needle displacement: 0.15 – 2.0

  • Spring stiffness: 0.5 - 100

  • Diameter of magnetic armature: 5.0 – 15.0

  • Magnetic power-on time: 0.5 – 3.0

Responses are cycle time and embossing success.

The objective is to minimize cycle time.

The constraint function is embossing ≥ 1

EKM Report Generation

Generate a report of an optiSLang project into XML format.

For the example files, download the ekm_report_example zip file here .

You can generate the report two different ways:

  • Python process node: generate-ekm-report.py

  • Shell or batch script: generate-ekm-report.sh or generate-ekm-report.bat

Force Deflection Curve

In this task, the input parameters should be adapted in such a way that a certain force-deflection curve is achieved.

The input parameters can vary within the following boundaries:

  • Thickness: 1 → 0.8 – 1.2

  • Radius: 35 → 32 – 37

  • Depth: 3 → 2.5 – 3.5

  • Height: 10 → 5 - 15

For the example files, download the force_displacement_example zip file here .

The Kursawe Functions

For this example, perform a sensitivity analysis using the global bounds of .

Perform multi-objective optimization by minimizing objective function one and two simultaneously.

For the example files, download the kursawe_example zip file here .

Objective function one has one dominant global optimum. Objective function two has four local optima.

Python Examples

Information about the optiSLang provided Python modules can be found here.

For the example files, download the python_examples zip file here .

Python Node

These scripts can be used to interact with nodes in the scenery.

  • modify_designs.py: Reads an optiSLang *.bin or *.omdb file and modifies a design container by adding responses and criteria

  • bestdesign_text.py: Writes the best design to an HTML file

  • csv_import.py: Reads a CSV file and writes content to an optiSLang monitoring database file

  • mop_2_file.py: Writes a CoP matrix and CoP filter model of MOP to a CSV file

  • print_monitoring_database.py: Writes an optiSLang *.bin or *.omdb file content to text file

  • filter_designs.py: Applies whitelist filtering of responses and criteria to designs from an optiSLang monitoring database file

  • export_fmu2.py: Exports a Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis (MOP) as a Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU) 2.0 using the data from an optiSLang postprocessing file (*.omdb) and the optiSLang 3D Post-Processing Python module sos_package

Python Console

Copy the content of these files into the Python console of optiSLang or use it for batch mode.

  • [installation path]/tools/import/optislang3/convert.py : Creates a flow with TextInput, TextOutput and Solver nodes (converts a project from optiSLang3 to the current optiSLang version)

  • python_help.py: Prints help docstrings for actors

  • python_node.py: Inserts a Python node with custom script source to set up a parametric workflow

  • optimizer_settings.py: Modifies optimizer settings

  • sensitivity_settings.py: Modifies sensitivity settings

  • arsm_ten_bar_truss.py: Sets up an ARSM flow for the ten bar truss example

  • simple_calculator.py: Sets up a simple calculator node chain

  • ten_bar_truss_lc2.py: Modifies flow created by arsm_ten_bar_truss.py (adds load case 2)

  • ten_bar_modify_parameters.py: Modifies flow created by arsm_ten_bar_truss.ey (changes bounds)

  • ansys_workbench_ten_bar_truss.py: Creates a project with a Workbench node using the ten_bar_apdl example

  • ansys_workbench_portscan.py: Scans the port range used for communication with Workbench

  • extract_best_designs.py: Creates an *.omdb file with best designs

  • omdb_reevaluate.py: Creates a reevaluation system to extract designs from the *.omdb file

  • oscillator/oscillator_system_python.py: Creates a parametric system for the oscillator Python example

  • oscillator/oscillator_sensitivity_mop.py: Creates a sensitivity flow for the oscillator Python example

  • oscillator/oscillator_optimization_on_mop.py: Adds an optimization on a MOP flow for the oscillator Python example

  • oscillator/oscillator_optimization_ea.py: Creates an optimization using an EA flow for the oscillator Python example

  • oscillator/oscillator_robustness_arsm.py: Creates a robustness flow for the oscillator Python example

  • placeholders/create_oscillator_plus_placeholder.py: Creates a sensitivity flow for the oscillator Python example and afterwards set a couple of placeholders to the project.

Python Postprocessing

  • add_custom_data_plot.py: Create different plots (Line, Grid, Bar plot) of customized data

  • animate_models.py: Animation of metamodels

  • approximation_monitoring_export.py: Create and export approximation plots

  • InitializePostprocessingFromTextFileWithSettings.py: Loads a Statistics view directly from a CSV file and settings provided in the Python file.

    Sensitivity_design_data.csv included in the example files.

  • InitializePostprocessingFromTextFileWithSettingsFile.py: Loads a Statistics view directly from a CSV file and JSON settings file.

    Sensitivity_design_data.csv and Sensitivity_design_data.json included in the example files.

  • show_image.py: Show an user defined image

  • signal_plot.py: Extension of signal plot for oscillator example

  • traffic_light_plot.py: Extension of traffic light plot for ten bar truss example

optiSLang as a Server

  • get_basic_info_local.py: Connect to a local optiSLang server and print basic information

  • get_basic_info.py: Connect to a remote optiSLang plain TCP server and print basic information

  • get_basic_info_encrypted.py: Connect to a remote optiSLang SSL server and print basic information

  • get_basic_info_encrypted_password_protected.py: Connect to a remote, password protected optiSLang SSL server and print basic information

  • get_basic_info_zmq.py: Connect to a remote optiSLang ZeroMQ server and print basic information


This example creates an automatic F-MOP analysis and generates a plot.

For the example files, download the signalmop_example zip file here .

Spring Steel

For the example files, download the spring_steel_example zip file here .

Simulation Model

Identification of the material parameters to optimally fit the force-displacement curve to the following measurements:

Unknown material parameters for nonlinear isotropic hardening (nliso):

  • Young´s modulus

  • Yield stress σ0

  • Linear hardening coefficient R 0

  • Exponential hardening coefficient R

  • Exponential saturation parameter b

Simulation with Reference Parameters

Solver Chain

Simulation results in a force-displacement signal. The reference signal is taken from a text file. The sum of squares is calculated with the calculator.

Steel Hook

This example is to optimize the hook so that the v.-Mises stress does not exceed 300 MPa, the mass is as minimal as possible, and for certain geometry parameters to be in predefined bounds.

For the example files, download the hook_example zip file here .

Design Parameters using DesignModeler

Boundary Conditions using Mechanical

Force is 6000 N. Cylindrical support, tangential direction is free.

Ten Bar Truss

For the example files, download the ten_bar_truss_example zip file here .

Ten Bar Truss Structure

Load parameters:

Material parameters:

Element length: L = 360 in

Responses from linear finite element analysis are:

  • Mass

  • Displacement from loading points

  • Stresses for each element


Analysis using the following global bounds:

The goal is to minimize mass:


Robustness analysis at the deterministic optimum using normally distributed random variables:

Tuning Fork

For the example files, download the tuning_fork_example zip file here .

Tuning Fork Design

A modal analysis of a tuning fork with fixed support and undamped oscillation is performed within Mechanical APDL.

ARod_Length20-50 mm
BRod_Width2-5 mm
CRadius7-10 mm
DDepth2-5 mm
EGrip_Length15-30 mm
FGrip_Width2-5 mm

Optimization Task

Optimize the tuning fork to obtain:

  • 1st Eigen-frequency = 440 Hz

  • 2nd Eigen-frequency = 880 Hz

  • 3rd Eigen-frequency = 1320 Hz

  • Minimum mass

Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization

Perform a sensitivity analysis with the given parameter bounds:

  • Rod length ∈ [20, 50 mm]

  • Rod width ∈ [2, 5 mm]

  • Radius ∈ [7, 10 mm]

  • Depth ∈ [2, 5 mm]

  • Grip length ∈ [15, 30 mm]

  • Grip width ∈ [2, 5 mm]

The objective function is the sum of squared errors of the target frequencies and the mass:

Wedge Splitting Test

For the example files, download the wedge_splitting_example zip file here .

Simulation Model

2D linear elastic finite element model with a predefined crack. Bilinear softening for crack interface elements.

Unknown constitutive parameters:

  • Young’s modulus E

  • Poisson’s ratio

  • Tensile strength f t

  • Fracture energy G f

  • Shape parameters

Simulation with Reference Parameters

Solver Chain

Simulation results in a force-displacement signal. The reference signal is taken from a text file. The sum of squares is calculated with the calculator.


Identification of the elasticity and fracture parameters to optimally fit the reference force-displacement function.

Objective function is the sum of squared errors between the reference and the calculated force displacement function values.