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1. Introduction
1.1. optiSLang Documentation Set
2. optiSLang Beta Features
2.1. Enabling Beta Features in optiSLang
2.2. Memetic Node
2.3. UP Efficient Global Optimization (UP-EGO) Node
2.4. Approximation Design Table
2.5. Characteristic Values
2.6. Solver Template
2.6.1. Solver Template Slots
2.7. CETOL Input Node
2.8. VCollab Node
2.9. Connecting the optiSLang Data Receive Component to External Data
2.10. optiSLang with oSP3D Integration Nodes
2.10.1. FMU oSL3D Integration Node
2.10.2. Amplitudes From Field Integration Node
2.10.3. SignalMOP Integration Node
2.10.4. OMDB to BIN FIle Converter Integration Node
2.10.5. oSP3D Viewer Integration Node
2.10.6. Field MOP ANSYS Mechanical oSP3D Integration Node
2.10.7. Field MOP 2D Nested DOE oSP3D Integration Node
2.11. Bayesian Adaptive Sequential Sampling (BASS) Node
2.12. Unigene Evolutionary Algorithm (UEA) Node
2.13. Custom Integration API Version Three
2.14. MOP3 Node
2.14.1. Setting the MOP3 Node as Default
2.14.2. Using the MOP3 Node
2.14.3. Configuring the MOP3 Node
2.14.4. Running the MOP3 Node
2.14.5. MOP3 Node Postprocessing
2.14.6. Using the MOP Solver With the MOP3 Node
2.14.7. MOP3 Node Known Issues and Limitations
2.15. ETK-nD Node
2.16. Field Data Collector Node
2.17. Ansys CFX-Partitioner Node
2.18. Ansys CFX-Pre Node
2.19. Global and Local Approximation of Derivatives (GLAD for HFSS)
2.20. Remote Submission
2.20.1. Supported Nodes
2.20.2. Configuring the Nodes
2.20.3. Creating and Managing Remote Profiles Creating a DCS Profile Creating an SSH Profile Editing an Existing Profile Deleting an Existing Profile
2.20.4. Executing the Workflow
2.20.5. Using the DCS Interface
2.20.6. SSH Remote Profile SSH Key-based Passwordless Connection Setup Manually Setting up Keyfile-based Authentication Remote Server Prerequisites SSH Remote Profile Limitations SSH Remote Profile Troubleshooting
2.21. Granta MI (Beta) Node
2.22. Ansys HPS Node
2.23. Thermal Desktop (Beta) Node
2.24. Ansys Mesh Workflow - Custom Template
2.25. Field MOP Solver (Beta) Node
3. optiSLang 3D Post-Processing Beta Features