4.7.2. Transform

You can transform graphs through translate, align, scale, and absolute in the chart view. At least one graph must be selected for the operation as in the following steps.

Figure 4.23: Transform operation

Transform operation

Figure 4.24: Steps for the Transform operation

Step Description
1Select the chart view.
2Select target graphs for the Transform operation.
3Select Transform from the menu bar.

Select the Type from the following options: Translate, Linear Scale, Log Scale, Align, and Absolute.

Steps for the Transform operation

5Set the parameters for the operation.
6Select Remove Ori. Curve if you want to remove the target graphs.
7Click the Steps for the Transform operation  button to create the graph.
8Click the Steps for the Transform operation  button to close the operation.

Figure 4.25: Parameters for Transform

Transform Parameter Description
TranslateOffset XUsed to set the offset value for the x-axis data.
Offset YUsed to set the offset value for the y-axis data.
Linear ScaleScale XUsed to set the scale value for the x-axis data.
Scale YUsed to set the scale value for the y-axis data.
Log ScaleCoefficientUsed to set the coefficient of the log scale.
BaseUsed to set the base of the log scale.
AbsoluteSignUsed to set the sign of the resultant curve.
AlignAlignUsed to set the type for alignment. When set to Zero, the selected graph is translated with an offset which is determined as the difference between zero and first data of the graph. When Curve is selected, the offset is determined as the difference between the first datum of the target graphs and reference graph (final selected graph).