The following Structural Optimization analysis enhancements were made at Release 2025 R1:
Optimization Type Default Setting. The Optimization Type property has a new default setting: Topology Optimization - Mixable Density. Although not a new option, this method is an enhanced version of the previous default setting, Topology Optimization - Density Based.
Options for User Defined Criterion. The Primary Criterion feature now:
Enables you to specify Equivalent Radiated Power as a Base Result for Harmonic Response analyses when you are using the Topography Optimization method. In association with this new option is the Average of Decibel Level option of the Frequency Reduction property. Using this new combination of options, you can use the Primary Criterion object to optimize the Equivalent Radiated Power Level.
Includes changes to the Spatial Reduction property:
The option Average has been renamed Arithmetic Average.
A new option, Continuous Average, calculates the criteria value by averaging the product of all displacements multiplied by the element area of influence.
Defining Additional Exclusion Regions. The Local Design Restriction object includes a new property: Type. This property enables you to specify geometry that the application does not optimize or specific faces from which the application does not move any nodes from the original location.
Visualizing Thermal Results. The Structural Optimization analysis now supports temperature and heat flux results when you have an upstream thermal analysis.
HPS Support for Structural Optimization. When running background or remote solutions, you can now specify the HPC Platform Services (HPS) application for Structural Optimization analyses.