13. Fracture

The following Fracture analysis enhancements were made at Release 2025 R1:

  • Multi Body Scoping Support for Analytical Cracks. You can now scope all analytical crack types, except the Semi-Elliptical Crack, to multiple bodies for fracture parameter calculation and crack growth analysis.

  • SMART Crack Growth. Enhancements to this feature include:

    • Support for restarting the solution from any intermediate load step.

    • Support for tabular temperature loading, including spatial varying loading.

    • New Crack Growth Laws:

      • Walker Equation

      • Forman Equation

      • Tabular Fatigue Law 

      • NASGRO Equation V3

      • NASGRO Equation V4

      In addition, when you specify either Paris’ Law or the Tabular Fatigue Law, you can now include one of the following crack-closure functions: Elber Crack-Closure, Schijve Crack-Closure, Newman Crack-Closure, or Polynomial Crack-Closure.

    • Crack Increment Options for SMART Crack Growth. The options to simulate fatigue or static crack growth using the SMART Crack Growth feature have new crack increment properties that enable you to define minimum and maximum increment treatments and their values more specifically.

    • Pressure Load Support for Crack Initiation. You can now apply a normal Pressure load to the new crack faces generated during the crack growth process of the Crack Initiation feature, using the Crack Growth option of the Scoping Method property and New Crack Faces Only option of the Apply To property of the Pressure object.

  • Specifying Pressure and Force Loads. Now, when your analysis includes a crack, you can specify Pressure and Force loads using the Direct option for the Applied By property.