The following result enhancements were made at Release 2025 R1:
Energy Contribution. For the Energy Contribution result type:
You can now scope this result to geometry or elements as well as geometry- and element-based Named Selections.
You can now specify an energy type for this result. Options include Total Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Strain Energy. The application evaluates all energy types during the solution so you can switch between options without needing to reevaluate the result.
If you specify a single value in the Mode property, the graph displays as a bar chart for each associated body.
Mode Contribution. Now, when you evaluate a Mode Contribution result, using either a Load Step Number or an RPM Selection, the application automatically evaluates the result for all load steps or RPM values. When you change the load step value or RPM of the corresponding properties, the display of the result data changes per your selection. Previously you had to reevaluate the result when you changed the value of these properties.
Graph and Tabular Data for Mosaic Charts. Now, for all results that display mosaic charts:
The Chart and Tabular Data category of the Details pane provides two new properties: Legend Minimum and Legend Maximum. By default, these properties display the evaluated minimum and maximum values for the result and also enable you to enter a desired minimum and maximum value within the result range to modify the graph display. If you specify a value outside of this range, the application automatically restores the default values.
The Show Text on Mosaic property of the Chart and Tabular Data category of the Details pane has a new option: Yes (Show Refined Text). For this option, the chart display is refined and text only displays in cells that are representative of the distributed values, such as minimum, maximum, and values across the range.
Selecting a cell on the mosaic chart highlights the corresponding value (row) in the Tabular Data window.
Line Chart. Enhancements for this feature include:
Support for all result-based options available under the Solution object of an LS-DYNA analysis, which specifically now includes results (deformation, stress, etc.), result trackers, and probes.
Tabular Data window updates include the display of units of measure for the datasets (also a new display in the chart) as well as new context (right-click) menu options that enable you show, hide, or delete your desired datasets.
Support for unit system conversion for the displayed datasets.
Frequency Response. The Frequency Response result has a new Chart and Tabular Data property: Display Mode. This property enables you to filter graph and tabular data by mode for a specified frequency value. The application plots graph data in a bar chart based on the result type, deformation, velocity, or acceleration, versus Mode.
RPM Selection. For a multiple step Harmonic Response analysis, the RPM Selection property is now available for results in the Scope category of the Details pane when you set the Multiple Step Type property of the Analysis Settings > Step Controls to RPM. Use this property to scope the result to an available RPM value from the drop-down menu. The application uses the value of the first load step as the default.
Mesh-based Scoping. The following result types now support mesh-based scoping:
The Velocity Waterfall Diagram and Acceleration Waterfall Diagram results support Node, Element and Element Face scoping.
The ERP Waterfall Diagram and ERP Level Waterfall Diagram results support Element Face scoping when the On Demand Expansion property (Analysis Settings > Options) is set to Yes.
The Stress and Strain results support Element and Element Face scoping when the On Demand Expansion property (Analysis Settings > Options) is set to Yes.
The Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) and Equivalent Radiated Power Level (ERPL) results support Element Face scoping when the On Demand Expansion property (Analysis Settings > Options) is set to Yes.
Phase Response: The Stress and Strain results support Element and Element Face scoping when the On Demand Expansion property (Analysis Settings > Options) is set to Yes.
Response PSD Probe. You can now scope this probe to a node.