The following imported loading condition enhancements were made at Release 2025 R1:
Importing Load Data from External Data. Using the External Data feature, you can now import pressure data from CFD General Notation System (.cgns) files generated from a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. A new Imported CFD Pressure load is supported that enables you to specify the mapping settings and review the mapping results. This capability is supported for Coupled Field Harmonic, Harmonic Acoustics, and Harmonic Response analyses only.
Displaying Source Point Data. Now, when you import an Imported CFD Pressure in CGNS file format or an Imported Velocity in H5DPF file format, you can display source point data information using the Display Source Points, Display Source Point Ids, and Display Interior Points properties.
Mapping Validation. Now, when you import an Imported CFD Pressure in CGNS file format or an Imported Velocity in H5DPF file format, you can specify a Validation object with the Type property set to Source Value, to evaluate the quality of the mapping on the target mesh with respect to the original source point values.
Imported Remote Loads. The Imported Remote Loads object has a new property: Coordinate System. Use this property to specify a desired Cartesian coordinate system to properly position the imported loads on your target geometry in the event there are differences in position and alignment compared to the source data.
This object also has a new context (right-click) menu option: Delete Children. This option automatically deletes all child objects.
Specifying Upstream Named Selections for Imported Loading Conditions. Previously only supported for Imported Velocity, now, for any of the imported loading conditions listed below, the Source Bodies property provides the option Named Selection. Using this option, you can select Named Selections defined in the upstream system/source file. The use of Named Selections can improve performance by only working with the source nodes specified in the Named selection.
Imported Body Temperature
Imported Temperature
Imported Cut Boundary Constraint